
Science In The Age Of AI

Scientifically-validated AI used in over 60 publications

Trusted by leading academic and industrial scientists


Powering Science Beyond Search

Advanced AI to tranform your ideas to inventions faster

Abstract Search

Search across 200M+ scientific texts.


Literature Mapping

Navigate through connected papers to find the source of the info you care about faster.


Neural Net PDF Reading

Read scientific PDFs in more depth than ever before.


Literature Review

Accelerate the creation of literature reviews and systematic reviews.


Literature Gap Analysis

Discover gaps and areas of opportunity in the scientific literature to make your mark.


Direct Q&A

Get direct answers from questions directly from source material.


Table & Figure Extraction

Extract insights beyond text by pulling answers from images and tables.


Citation Management

Generate and manage citations of any format.

create citations graphic

Project Management

Customize ScholarAI to you by uploading your knowledge base of papers, protocols, and results.


AI-Power Scientific Insights Tailored To Your Work

Use ScholarAI with or without ChatGPT.

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ScholarAI Copilot
An interface dedicated to science. Available to everyone. Powered by GPT-4 Turbo.
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A ChatGPT-integrated solution for science. Available to ChatGPT Plus subscribers. Powered by GPT-4 Turbo.

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Join a community of over 450K scientists, students, and professional researchers turning their ideas into real-world impact with ScholarAI. ✨

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More than 800K conversations have been powered by the ScholarAI GPT on ChatGPT, connecting users with advanced AI insights and scientific literature. ✨

Frequently Asked Questions

What happened to the ScholarAI Plugin?

As of March 2024, OpenAI and ChatGPT have made the official decision to discontinue all further use of Plugins. In replacement of our Plugin, you can expect a parallel experience with our ScholarAI GPT.

How do I access the ScholarAI GPT?

You can find the ScholarAI GPT here. Please note, you will need a ScholarAI and ChatGPT+ account to begin.
For step-by-step instructions on installation, access our GPT User Guide.

How is the Copilot different from the ScholarAI GPT?

The ScholarAI Copilot offers a dedicated research project management platform for users, outside of ChatGPT, that is free to try for everyone. The Copilot is powered by GPT-4 Turbo.

How do I access the ScholarAI Copilot?

Everyone can try the Copilot for free here.

ScholarAI Across Scientific Literature

"Our study strongly supported our hypothesis, showing that among four AI models, ChatGPT 4 and ScholarAI Premium excelled in classifying single-curve scoliosis with perfect sensitivity and specificity."

 - Artificial Intelligence in Scoliosis Classification: AnInvestigation of Language-Based Models (Artur Fabijan, Bartosz Polis, Robert Fabijan, Krzysztof Zakrzewski, Emilia Nowosławska and Agnieszka Zawadzka-Fabijan)

"The conversational learning feature of ChatGPT allows students to learn through dialogue and interactions. Rather than traditional Google searches, students can directly ask GPT for recent papers or specific answers. Integrations with plugins like Wolfram, ScholarAI, code interpreter, and custom instructions enhance the learning experience."

 - Beyond Traditional Teaching: The Potential of Large Language Models and Chatbots in Graduate Engineering Education (Mahyar Abedi, Ibrahem Alshybani, MRB Shahadat, Michael Murillo)

"We envision that one possible application of ChatGPT would be in conjunction with traditional print and online resources – for example, using ChatGPT to quickly narrow down information which can be then confirmed through targeted review of relevant references. Capitalising on the rich AI ecosystem that ChatGPT has spawned, pathologists may also choose to use browser plug-ins that incorporate the ChatGPT API to facilitate literature search – for example, ScholarAI which can potentially produce real (as opposed to fictitious) and relevant references than ChatGPT alone.

 - Bridging bytes and biopsies: A comparative analysis of ChatGPT and histopathologists in pathology diagnosis and collaborative potential (Ming Liang Oon, Nicholas L Syn, Char Loo Tan, Kong-Bing Tan & Siok-Bian Ng)

"New functions on ChatGPT integrate add-ons like 'ScholarAI' and 'Link Reader'. These enable the user to bring journals and information, not currently included in its training data, to further enhance its utility. As ChatGPT gains access to more extensive journal databases, it could perform large-scale meta-analyses, from which it could suggest novel research questions and aid in study design."

 - Harnessing the power of ChatGPT: Opportunities and challenges for anaesthesia practice (Jessica L. Irons, Claire M. Mason, Patrick S. Cooper, Sidra Sidra, Andrew Reeson and Cécile Paris)

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